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ERP Glossary and FAQ


This is a Glossary of terms/terminology that will be used by faculty, staff and students during the implementation and maturity of the University ERP.

Banner - Banner® by Ellucian is the world’s leading higher education ERP - the solution of choice for almost 1,400 institutions in 40 countries. With the industry’s most comprehensive set of features and future-ready technology, Banner strengthens every major workflow in higher education, from student recruiting and retention to talent attraction and management.

Business Process Modeling (BPM) - An engagement designed to define the ideal or future state management of a process using the institution’s current state processes, strategic goals defined by the University and industry best practices.

Deployment Topology - How a computer software application is installed, setup, and configured to facilitate access by users.

Ellucian - A company specializing in higher education software, services, and support.  A Market leader in higher education technology, Ellucian delivers the software, services, and insights that help postsecondary institutions thrive.

FOAP - An acronym to identify the combination of Fund, Organization, Account and Program codes used in Banner Finance.

Functional User - a system or application user that has been educated/rained to perform a specific function and/or service for the University and its customers.  Examples would include employees in the Office of Financial Aid, the Registrar's Office, the Bursar, Human Resources, etc.

Functionally Integrated System - computers systems that work well together and share common data, tools, resources, and processes.

Legacy System - In computing, a legacy system is an old method, technology, computer system, or application program, "of, relating to, or being a previous or outdated computer system."  Often a pejorative term, referencing a system as "legacy" often implies that the system is out of date or in need of replacement.

Luminus - The software behind the new ULink!  A platform to deliver the right information, tools, and services to the right people - anytime, anywhere. The Ellucian Luminis® Platform creates a common gateway to the information students, faculty, and staff use every day.  Luminus is built on the Liferay Enterprise Edition software.

Self-Service Banner (SSB) - primarily for end users, a secure, web-based approach to accessing your personal and academic information from any computer.

Software as a Service (SaaS) - a method of software delivery and licensing, where software is accessed online via a subscription rather than being installed on a computer.


What applications are part of the "new system"?

What is the schedule for the various components "go-live" (are ready for use by students, faculty and staff)?